Have you ever wondered if there is a way to harness and control the power of your body’s stem cell production naturally? Exercise, diet, stem cell supplements? You aren’t alone in asking this question, so let’s talk about how to activate stem cells naturally.
As humans age, their stem cell production decreases over time. By the time we reach our mid 50’s to early 60’s, our stem cell count doesn’t always look so hot, pending a variety of hereditary, diet and lifestyle factors. Don’t feel alarmed, natural stem cell production slows over time. Though there are ways to pump up that production. Let’s examine some cool ways to activate stem cells naturally.
Activate Stem Cells Naturally with Exercise
Yep, it’s official. Exercising will help activate and boost natural stem cell production. So get out and walk in your neighborhood for 30 minutes at a pace just your style and move your body. If you prefer the gym and throwing some weights around, that also does the trick. Or for a more gentle approach, try getting down and sweaty on your yoga mat; we will smile and commend you either way! Just as you take all of your individual preferences seriously, take exercise seriously also. Your body is going to thank you. If exercise is something that is new for you, be sure you are healthy enough to begin a work out program. You can also learn more here about the Yoga stem cell nutrition connection.
Activate Stem Cells Naturally with Diet and Natural Stem Cell Supplements.
Now that you are walking, getting on your yoga mat, or walking like a champ, examining your diet to help propel the production of your stem cells is next. So, people have asked, is there a magic diet that will make you a cellular super hero? Well, not exactly, but we will get back to that. In the meantime, take a look at some of these amazing super foods containing the power to satisfy more than just your hunger. Incorporate them into your diet and watch your energy levels soar to great heights!
- Blueberries
- Strawberries
- Oranges
- Apples
- Grapefruit
- Chia seeds
- Hemp seeds
- Almonds
- Pecans
- Spinach and other dark leafy greens
- Wild caught fish such as salmon
- Broccoli
- Avocado
- Sweet potato
- Carrots
- Dried figs
- Coconut
- Cacao
- Green beans
Other superfoods you should put in your shopping cart include: lemons, garlic, ginger, cucumbers, zucchini, onions, quinoa, lentils, beans, walnuts, any green vegetable, cauliflower, bananas, pineapple, tahini, pumpkin seeds, and relatively any ORGANIC whole food, any other plant-based food you enjoy. The above superfoods above will give you a great head start, but of course, they’re not the only foods you should or can choose.
Do I need Stem Cell Supplements?
Every morning you wake up your body communicates with you. As you age, it communicates a little more directly with you: ie, “Holy hec Batman, my back is killing me from the yard work yesterday!” and sometimes, eating and exercising like a champion may not get you the results you are seeking. When you get to that point, it’s time to think about incorporating stem cell supplements to help catapult you to your goal.
There are many ways to activate stem cells naturally. Juventus is a multi-nutrient stem cell supplement that is one awesome activator.
Click here to learn more about Juventus.